Sign my petition to help bring a composting pick up system to San Diego:
San Diegans are extremely fortunate to have a city-wide recycling and trash pickup system. However, people who live in San Diego are missing a third leg of the stool of effective waste management: a composting system. Unfortunately, in this city, valuable food waste is being thrown in the landfill with other trash that takes significantly longer to decompose, such as non-recyclable plastics, cigarette butts, and other garbage. San Diegans must make a city-wide composting pick-up system that takes the food to a composting landfill. This system has been implemented in many places such as Ottawa, San Francisco, Seattle, and Germany with much success.
The city will benefit by reducing emissions produced in a normal landfill as well as gain profit from selling the compost to local farmers. In this way, the nutrients will stay in a closed loop food system. San Diegans will need to arrange for the drivers, the trucks, land to put the compost on, cans for pick-up, and materials to educate the public. All these costs will add up; one estimate was that the cost would be similar to that of the trash pick-up system, approximately $54-65 million, but the cost will be worth it to make San Diego sustainable. Many people oppose composting; if these people only knew that composting, done correctly, does not have an extremely bad vermin problem or even smell they would surely change their mind. Although this system could take time, money, and thought to implement, the plan is still a prudent option. Composting is a benefit to all of the people it serves."The city of San Diego's Miramar Landfill is expected to reach capacity in 2012, unless it is expanded" (Fitzsimons, Elizabeth). However, about 25-50%% of trash is able to be composted and if this was to be removed from the trash that must be put in the landfills, then that problem will be greatly reduced (Schenk, Courtney). Keeping food waste out of landfills is a valuable goal for San Diegans.
California has historically been a leader in all “green” causes; we consistently vote to support environmental policies and laws. It is extremely disappointing to many San Diegan citizens to have their city fall behind in the race for sustainability. If San Diegans cannot be convinced to start a composting system for the pure, above stated, benefits, at least the citizens can feel the sense of competition among forward thinking cities in the United States, as well as abroad. A composting system will be a huge benefit to all members of the city of San Diego and must, for San Diego's own sake, be implemented immediately.
Letter to an elected official:
To whom it may concern:
I am writing to express my opinions on the way San Diego's food waste has been utilized in the past. Currently, our food and green waste is being unnecessarily thrown into landfills with other trash that takes significantly longer to decompose. Because of this, we not only overflow landfills at an accelerated rate, but we also do not effectively utilize the valuable soil that comes from composting. San Diego must create a city-wide composting pick up system that takes the food scraps to a composting landfill. This new plan will result in jobs for San Diegan citizens, profit for the city, and less use of toxic, unsustainable landfills. We should have a composting program similar to that already in place for trash and recycling: a biweekly curbside pickup. One estimate for the cost of such a program was that it would be similar to the yearly cost for our trash curbside service, that is from $54-65 million. Out of the $298.4 million dollars allocated in 2010 for supplies and services, we can surely allow a small portion to implement such a valuable program.
Composting programs similar to the one I propose have been successfully implemented in other communities, such as San Francisco, Seattle, Ottawa, and Germany and have resulted in numerous jobs for planners, architects, city experts, compost specialists, environmental activists, and drivers. We can even sell the resulting compost to local farmers to make profit. In Texarkana, compost from the citizens food scraps earns a profit of $12 a cubic yard. Anywhere from 25-50% of trash is compostable; if this food waste was made into compost, the amount of trash placed into landfills would be greatly reduced. The Mirimar Landfill is expected to run out of space in 2012; do we really want to have to create another toxic landfill? Please put your good name behind a bill to implement a composting system. San Diegans need a system like this for the good of our city. Californians should be leaders is sustainability. Composting is really the easiest and most cost-effective way to make a big difference in the way San Diegans look at issues affecting the environment.
People may worry about issues with composting, such as smell and the possibility of vermin. However, these will not affect our composting system at all, provided we go about creating the system in the right way: making the compost with the right proportions of "green" or yard waste to "brown" or food waste and keeping the bins covered to protect them from the elements and any animals or bad insects. I have had a smaller scale composting bin in my backyard for the past year and a half with no complaints of smell or pests.
I hope you realize after reading this letter how important a composting system is to San Diego. Please place yourself behind a law that would start such a program; the system really needs your support.
Thank you for taking the time to read my opinion.
Allison Ferrini
My Op/Ed:
Op/Ed Piece on Composting
Headline: What we can learn from Birds, Bees, and San Franciscans.
Birds do it, bees do it, San Franciscans are famous for it. Get your minds out of the gutter; I'm talking about composting. Yes, the City of Love has had a city-wide composting system for their residents since 1998. But how many cities have followed the forward-thinking trend of this golden city? Not enough. Using food waste effectively to produce compost will result in jobs for citizens, profit for the city, and a reduction in the amount of waste put into landfills.
A composting program will create tons of jobs, both during and after the plan is implemented. We need planners, architects, city experts, compost specialists, and environmental activists to all have their say. After the plan is implemented, we will need composting experts and drivers to collect the compost as well as factory workers to make the bins. In this poor economy, we could all do with a hopeful job future, especially one that will contribute so much to sustainability and green urbanity.
In Texarkana, the government avoided a cost of 4.8 million dollars by implementing a composting program. The resulting compost is sold for about $12 a cubic yard to farmers or gardeners. In San Francisco, the resulting compost is sold to vineyards -- a higher quality fertilizer for fine Californian Wine. Compost can also be used for storm water management and erosion control. Imagine our waste being made into "black gold," then used to grow delicious and healthy fruits and veggies or hold up our beautiful hills. Composting will make our city even more gorgeous. The benefits of compost are simply too many to ignore.
Our landfills are filling up fast; in San Diego the main landfill is expected to reach capacity in 2012, in only two very short years. Anywhere from 25-50% of trash is compostable (not even counting meat and dairy). If all food waste was removed from the trash that must be put into landfills, we won't need so many toxic, unsightly landfills.
So why not compost? Some people think that compost smells, or that it will attract animal visitors. However, these fears are unfounded. Composting, done right, and with the correct ratios, has very little odor (much less so than landfills!). My family has had a composting bin in our backyard for over a year now and we have had no complaints about the smell. And a well-covered and secured container for the compost will keep the vermin out. Others fear costs of implementing a city-wide program: costs for containers, trucks, workers, and publicity will add up.
Yes, there will be a start up cost. But the benefits we receive by being a leader in sustainability, as well as the jobs and profit that will be created, are impressive. We really cannot afford to ignore composting anymore. Let us follow the example of such cities as San Francisco and Seattle and start a city-wide composting pick-up and processing system! To make your voice heard on this issue, sign the following petition.
Allison Ferrini
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Resource Management Project
Posted by Author at 2:16 PM
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