Monday, January 4, 2010

Vocabulary Words Week 5

1) equivocate - v. to beat around the bush, to be purposefully vague. By equivocating whenever anyone asked me what I wanted for Christmas, I received socks and shampoo.
2) eradicate - v. to get rid of. I want to eradicate the blood stain on my favorite chainsaw.
3) erode - v. to wear away at. My mother's constant whining eroded my defenses; when she asked for the last time for me to clean my room, I acquiesced.
4) erratic - adj. irregular, not in a pattern. The drunken bee followed an erratic path before making a crash landing on a flower.
5) escalate - v. to make larger, in size or intensity, perhaps without cause, making a mountain out of a molehill. The teeny misunderstanding was escalated into a full-out brawl.
6) esoteric - adj. only understood, known, or appreciated by a few people. Calculus is an esoteric passion; not many people love it or even understand it.
7) espouse - v. choose, follow, extol the virtues of, become married to. I espouse the benefits of a city-wide composting system in San Diego whenever I meet anyone new.
8) eulogy - n. a speech given at a funeral. In eighth grade I dressed up as Lorenzo de Medici's nanny (complete with eye-shadow dusted moustache and uni-brow) to talk about his virtues.
9) euphoria - n. complete happiness, joy, excitement. I was euphoric when I received my Snuggie for Christmas.
10) euthanasia - n. to end something before it's time, usually to put it out of its pain when there is no hope of recovery. It was really sad when we had to euthanize my fish, but I knew it would be happier in the giant fish bowl in the sky.
11) epitome - n. prototype, embodiment of a certain characteristic, best example of a certain kind of thing. He is the epitome of luxury; his underwear is made of the fur of 12 endangered species.

Pictures to be hand drawn and turned in.


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