Sunday, November 15, 2009

Vocabulary Words for Government Honors Wk 3

subtle: below the surface, hidden, not blatant
His subtle use of sarcasm made his co-workers confused whether or not he hated them.
vehement: positive, sure, loudly assertive
I am vehemently opposed to opposition.
zealous: crazy, passionate, often about religion
Enviornmental zealots often hold riots for causes they strongly believe in.
adverse: opposed to a thing
I will never go; I am completely adverse to bungee jumping.
averse: opposed to a person
She has an aversion to him...something about his giant eyebrows.
blatant: outright, shameless
His blatant disregard of both schedules and the contraints of time meant he was always late.
alleged: supposed, rumored
It is alleged that Jon is pregnant with an alien baby.
aggravate: anger, intentionally bother
It aggravates me when, at soccer practice, the field is wet because then I kick up mud all over myself when I run.
discreet: hidden, self-conscious, polite, well-mannered, taking care
Discretion is an important quality for both butlers and assasins.
factoid: something asserted as a fact, but might be made up
Texans often believe the factoid that the Texas State flag may be at an equal height with the American flag, because of Texas' previous status as a nation. However, by law all flags must be lower than the American flag.
flout: go around something, blatantly disregard,
He flouted the teacher by showing up for class late, wearing a baseball cap, and toting his teeny girlfriend, who went to another school. They then proceded to sit in the back of the class and make out. Loudly.
forte: area of interest or special talents
I love making any kind of food, but soup is my forte.
disinterested: objective, neutral, not taking sides.
Referees must be disinterested in the outcome of the game in order to remain impartial.
Pictures will be turned in on Monday.


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